What is health and wellness coaching?

As more and more people become interested in living a healthier lifestyle, health and wellness coaching has emerged as a popular option for those looking to make positive changes in their lives. But what exactly is health and wellness coaching? Here's a quick overview of what this type of coaching entails and how it can benefit you.

Health and wellness coaching is a process that helps people make lifestyle changes in order to improve their health

Health and wellness coaching offers an important opportunity to people who have been struggling to make meaningful and lasting changes in their lifestyle. It is a personalized process where coaches work with clients to identify key areas for improvement that can result in improved overall health, greater energy, better sleep, and decreased stress. Through careful exploration of motivations and behavior patterns, coaches create individualized plans designed to motivate the client to take the necessary actions for achieving their desired health outcomes. Health and wellness coaching provides a supportive environment that helps hold clients accountable while encouraging progress as they move forward towards improved health and well-being.

It involves setting goals, making action plans, and holding you accountable

Achieving success in life requires a great deal of dedication and hard work. To make sure that your efforts are productive, it is important to have a proactive approach. This involves setting goals, making action plans, and holding yourself accountable in order to track progress and ensure success. Establishing goals helps define what you want to achieve and provides direction. Think of the steps necessary to reach these goals as you create an action plan, then stay motivated and focused by tracking progress and holding yourself responsible for following through with each step. With this methodical approach, you can significantly increase your chances of achieving success.

A coach can help you identify areas of your life that need improvement and work with you to create a plan to make changes

Working with a coach can be a great way to take stock of where you are in life and identify areas where you may need additional focus. With the help of a skilled individual, you can uncover the obstacles that have been standing in your way - whether it be within your career, relationships, or thought processes - and create an actionable plan to make meaningful progress. While making changes is never easy, having someone as an accountability partner can give you the willpower and motivation to not just aim for progress, but also stick with it until real results are seen.

Coaching is different from therapy or counseling because it focuses on the present and future, rather than the past

Coaching is an invaluable tool for personal growth and development, but it is important to understand the differences between coaching and traditional therapy or counseling. Rather than looking at the past to examine patterns of behavior, as therapists do, coaches focus on the present and direct clients towards their desired future outcomes. Coaches provide motivational support, help to set meaningful goals, and assist their clients in obtaining the confidence they need to move forward while emulating successful behaviors. Through targeted questioning and the imparting of knowledge, coaches empower their clients to solve problems in order to move single-mindedly towards success.

If you're interested in making changes to your lifestyle, I’m here to help!

Health and wellness coaching is an ideal way to make positive lifestyle changes. This allows you to work with a professional who can help you reach your goals and create a plan that works for you. I will help provide the support and guidance you need to make healthier decisions, providing personalized strategies that are tailored to meet your needs and gets you on track. With this assistance, the process of creating an effective lifestyle change can be easier than ever before, getting you on the path to living a healthy life with these achievable changes.

It is a process that helps you make lifestyle changes in order to improve your health. If you're interested in making changes to your lifestyle, health and wellness coaching may be right for you!

Hi, my name is Jeb Stuart Johnston!

I’ve spent the past twelve years guiding people through their fitness journey as a personal trainer and online nutrition coach and now a Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach. What began as a passion to help people get jacked and lean became a driving purpose to help those who struggle with emotional eating, binge eating, poor body image and a failed relationship with food. I realized that people weren’t unhappy because of their weight, they were struggling with weight because they were unhappy.

My philosophy is simple but effective: focus on behavior change as the vehicle for transformation. The difference at Food on the Mind, however, is that we are looking to transform your life not just your body. For far too long the nutrition industry has encouraged this idea that your self worth comes from the outside. That is not only false but it’s damaging. And we are here to change that.

I’ve also applied this through my writing for Muscle & Fitness, PTDC, Men’s Fitness, Business Insider and more. While it’s not been the most popular view, there is starting to be more and more people warming to this idea that real change happens from within.

It is in this intersection of nutrition and behavior that ‘Food on the Mind’ was born. This website is a place for you to explore the inextricable ties between brain and gut and the mechanisms that drive both. Why? Because so many of us struggle with weight when we attempt to separate the two. But here, we’re aiming to approach change holistically by connecting our physical, emotional and cognitive selves. My goal is to help you stop looking outwards for answers and instead, start asking yourself questions. 

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Articles & Interviews

My work has been published in both print and digital publications, including Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness and more. Here are a few handpicked articles you might find useful…


May 15-16th, 2020 at The Inland Empire Fitness Conference in Spokane, WA.

Two Opposing Truths: A Dialectical Approach to Emotional Eating

Self-sabotage, stress-eating, emotional-eating; we often encounter clients who can’t seem to achieve sustainable weight loss due to some variation of these behaviors. So why do so many people seem unable to change? And should we therefore just accept that truth?

A dialectic is a synthesis or integration of opposites. The main dialectic in Dialectical Behavior Therapy is that of the desire for change in opposition with the need for acceptance. In the nutritional sphere, we often see two opposing camps; one representing that of fat loss and another representing that weight-neutral counseling or body-acceptance. Yet the truth in lasting change lies somewhere in the middle. By utilizing both cognitive and mindfulness techniques, we can develop skills amongst our clients that empower them to accept the present while simultaneously embracing change.