Grow your garden

Cindi was feeling intense food focus but rather than allowing emotion to take over she practiced distraction with a quick 15 minutes of work in her garden . "Getting rid of the weeds... I feel much stronger." Could your garden use some weeding?

I loved this exchange. When Cindi texted me it was such a great “start to her weekend”. Not because she’s magically found the silver bullet to make everything easier but, rather, it is her ability to lean into challenge and overcome that provides strength.

We often think that the most successful among us never have thoughts of struggle or never fall down. It’s just not the case. Success in any endeavor will be rife with failures along the way. And if we are trying to change a life that has decades behind it we can’t expect those old habits to just disappear.

Those weeds will keep coming back. But it’s up to us to pick them. It’s up to us to protect against them returning. And it’s up to us to plant the flowers that will grow into our garden.

The beauty is what the outside world sees. They don’t see the hours of digging through the dirt. Yet the satisfaction you will feel isn’t the same as the casual observer. Because you know what it really took to get there. And that’s where the real accomplishment lies.


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