Loosen up

Healing your relationship w/ food and intentionalweight loss are opposing goals. That doesn't mean weight loss can't occur during this process. However, it can't be the focus. It must be a side effect.

The toughest conversations I have w/ clients who’ve spent a lifetime dieting is the first one. Where we discuss options and they identify their struggle has been waiting to live their lives until they hit that goal weight. That goal weight that has eluded them their whole lives.

They acknowledge struggles w/overeating, binge-like behaviors and emotional eating. They acknowledge that restrictive actions lead to all of these behaviors. Yet the fear of lost control causes a lot of trepidation.

Healing our relationship w/food will require a loosening of our tenuous grip. While you might feel like counting your macros gives you control, if it hasn’t worked long term it’s the illusion of control that is a large part of the undesired behavior.

Let go of your desire for control by working on the behaviors not just around food but around health & fitness & relationships. Everything influences everything. If you struggle to exhibit control over life by controlling food, it’s not really about the food.


"Former" self


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